PCB - Unicorn: White / Cream Colored, 5 for $6.50


PCB - Unicorn: White / Cream Colored, 5 for $6.50

Price: $6.50

Quantity   1+  
Price $6.50

They're from Peru. They're ceramic. They're handpainted. Not a bright animal, but elusive. It's been so long since I've seen one and I've spent more time in the woods than almost anyone you know. Drilled top to bottom. Approximately 1.25 inches long, .5 inches high. Commonly thought to have gone extinct at the time of the flood (Noah's) they actually were hunted to extinction by Sasquatch. And that's why you don't see so many Sasquatches any more. The unicorn was their primary food source. PCB = Peruvian Ceramic Beads. Some of the PCB holes will take a 2mm cord, some just close to a 2mm cord.
